miercuri, 26 august 2020

DINOZAURUL CEL BUN (film de animatie -Disney - 2015 )



Am momente cand nu-mi mai place realitatea (tot mai des in ultima vreme si de cand cu alegerile...) si atunci...am nevoie sa plec intr-o poveste - cred ca va amintiti de Arlo, dinozaurul cel bun, care intalneste un baietel orfan - si aventurile celor doi in descoperirea lumii !

Iata cateva imagini - mie mi-au adus zambetul pe buze si mi-am clatit sufletul de zgura minciunilor "oamenilor mari", poate reusiti si voi sa scapati de grijile voastre copilaresti - dar importante.

The #GoodDino Wallpaper for iOS and Android phones available here. #Pixar


The Good Dinosaur: Downloadable Wallpaper for iOS & Android Phones — For The Love of Pixar

The Good Dinosaur


AnimationPeru: The Good Dinosaur - Las escondidas

The Good Dinosaur :] #GoodDino

If you love The Good Dinosaur and wish you could ride one, repin this :] #GoodDino

In stark contrast to the realism of the surroundings, the characters are quite cartoonish, rotund and easily filled in a coloring book, but still earnestly appealing to our inner kid. | The Newest Trailer For Pixar's "The Good Dinosaur" Looks Adorable

The Good Dinosaur celebrates 20 Years of Friendship at Pixar Animation Studios.  Relive two decades of magic over at EntertainmentWeekly.com now!  #GoodDino

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