duminică, 15 martie 2020

SOUNDS OF SPRING - by Dwayne Leon Rankin


by  Dwayne Leon Rankin

Bee's now buzzing, brightly sing,
With the chirping birds they bring,
Nature's pleasing music near,
Sounds of Spring found full of cheer.

Nature's symphony thus is found,
From raindrops splashing on the ground.
To the children's laughing call,
Those merry sounds now heard by all.

The Gentle sounds of rustling leaves,
Caused by breeze's through the trees,
Softly they through nature brings
God's creation as it sings.

Music found as on it plays,
All through the air, the singing strays,
Wafting out while soft winds blow,
A joy of life to all bestow.

So with the voice of waters free
Rushing through the streams with glee.
The sounds of yonder rivers, filled,
The silence of the Winter, stilled.