duminică, 31 ianuarie 2021




Tigrul alb din Bengal, un animal maiestuos, practic exterminat de om, nu este nici un albinos și nici un mutant genetic. 

Această concluzie a fost făcută de biologii de la Universitatea Tsinghua din Beijing. Blana tigrilor bengalezi găsită în India, Nepal și Birmania este de obicei de culoare galben deschis cu dungi negre. Tigrii albi din Bengal, ca și omologii lor, au dungi negre pe piele și ochi albaștri, și acesta este motivul pentru care nu sunt albinoși, spun oamenii de știință. 

Puii se nasc în martie-aprilie. La o femelă, cel mai adesea există 2-4 pui, mai rar descendenți cu un pui, chiar mai rar cu 5-6 pui. Greutatea la naștere a puiilor este de 1,3-1,5 kg. 

Puii se nasc orbi, dar după 6-8 zile încep să vadă clar. În primele șase săptămâni, puii se hrănesc numai cu lapte de la mama tigru. 

Puii cresc numai în apropierea mamei, tigrii masculi nu au voie la descendenți, deoarece masculul poate ucide puii care se nasc. 

 După 8 săptămâni, puii devin capabili să meargă în spatele mamei și să părăsească vizuina. Noua generație devine capabilă de viață independentă doar la vârsta de aproximativ 18 luni, dar, de regulă, rămân la mama lor până ajung la 2-3 ani, în unele cazuri - până la 5 ani. 

 După ce tinerii tigri încep să trăiască independent, femelele rămân în imediata apropiere a descendenților. Masculii (tații), spre deosebire de femele, se depărtează pe distanțe mai mari, în căutarea propriului teritoriu neocupat. 










POEMS FOR CHILDREN - Verse by W · A · FRISBIE - 1901


A bat played a hand organ out in the street,
And carried a sign “I AM BLIND”;
But though all his music was joyous and sweet,
His hearers, he thought, were unkind;
For no-one who passed dropped a coin in his hat,
But each said “Why of course; he’s as blind as a bat.”

When Billy Wilson swimming went,
It took him half a day
To reach the lake because, you see,
It was so far away.
And so, to stop this loss of time,
When next he went to swim
He tied a string around the lake,
And pulled it home with him.


A sparrow with a wooden leg
Hopped o’er a roof of tin;
And, as he hopped, a girl below
Was overcome with sudden woe
To hear that noise begin.

“Oh dear,” she cried, “here comes the rain,
“And this is picnic day.”
Nor did she know what she had heard
Was just a wooden legged bird
Until he flew away.

Young Johnny Bingle long had wished
To own a “truly” gun,
And so, when Christmas came again,
His father gave him one.
It had a barrel straight and true
A fancy walnut stock
And for his first game Johnny shot
The cuckoo in the clock.



As Mother Bantam roamed the field,
Of worms and bugs in quest,
She found two large and lonesome eggs
In a deserted nest.
“This makes my duty clear” said she,
“I’ll stay and hatch them out.”
And for three weeks that little hen
Was no more seen about.

At length from out those two large eggs
The young chicks broke their way;
And thus the famous Shanghai Twins
First saw the light of day
And Mother Bantam stood aghast
That newborn pair to see
For, standing in his stocking feet,
Each was as tall as she.

When Mother Bantam came to feed
The hungry Shanghai Twins,
She found she had an awful task
To fill them to their chins;
And, if they were not filled that full,
They clamored to be fed;
Until in running down their food
She worked till nearly dead.

With hoppers and with lady bugs,
With moths and worms and flies,
With grains of corn and crumbs of bread
She stopped their hungry cries.
Till finally she ran so much
To get them food to eat,
That she herself, worn out and starved,
Was overcome by heat.

Said Mother Bantam to her twins:
“Since you two have been hatched,
“You have not found a single meal,
“You have not run nor scratched;
“I’ve fed you as a mother should,
“But you are stronger now
“And henceforth you must scratch for worms.”
Cried they: “Please show us how.”

She led them to the garden plot,
“Dig in your claws” said she,
“Just catch the dirt and push it back.
“It’s easy; don’t you see?”
“Ah yes,” they cried and went to work
With all their main and might,
And, ere they knew what they had done,
They buried her from sight.

The Shanghai Twins came on apace;
So rapidly they grew,
That larger, stronger fowls than they
Became extremely few.
And Mother Bantam gazed with pride
Her foster sons upon:
The one of them was christened James,
The other one was John.

Beneath the battered hen-house door,
A hungry fox one night
Poked in his nose, and all the fowls
Were paralyzed with fright.
But James and John knew what to do,
They fought with might and main
Until the fox took to his heels
With yelps of fear and pain.

Now when the valiant Shanghai Twins
Had put a fox to flight,
They stood on guard to watch the house
The balance of the night
And, while they watched, the other fowls
Reposed in perfect peace:
So, after that, the Twins were named
As poultry yard police.

Each wore, to show his lofty rank,
A helmet, club and star,
And soon as faithful guardians
Their fame spread near and far.
The very mention of their names,
Made thieving fowls turn pale
For well they knew that John and James
Could march them off to jail.

Three young and interesting pigs
Once lived within a sty;
And one was greedy, one was strong,
And one was scarce a half yard long
And scant ten inches high.

The greedy one, when large and fat,
Was led away one day;
The strong one rooted at his pen
Until he made a hole, and then
Crept out and ran away.

The smallest pig, with careful thought,
Made up his mind to stay.
He did not eat enough to grow,
He did not run away, and so
He lives in peace today.


THE HUNGRY PUPIL - Verse By W · A · FRISBIE - 1901



To the Jungle kindergarten,
Mrs. Tiger brought her child:
He was small and roly-poly,
He was also meek and mild.
Telling him to mind the teacher,
Not to pull his playmates hair
And learn his lessons quickly.
Then his mother left him there.

When she called for him at noon time,
He was sitting all alone
With a smile of satisfaction,
Gnawing at an ostrich bone.
All the ground was strewn with feathers
Well picked bones and bits of fur;
But the pupils all were missing.
Don’t you wonder where they were?

Her little son came wriggling up
To grave old mother Eel;
“Oh mother dear”, he said with tears
“Such awful pains I feel.
“The doctor says he greatly fears
“For small-pox I am slated;
“But yet I have no arms or legs,
“And can’t be vaccinated.”

The Snapping Turtle’s daughter
In dress displayed good taste;
But, when she tried a belt on,
She found she had no waist.

The jolly Rough Riders of wash day
Sat jauntily out on the line
Not a man was afraid
For ’twas but dress parade
And their showing was certainly fine.

But when from their homes in the tree-tops
The enemy sailed through the air
And with coarse, muddy feet
Soiled each garment and sheet
The Riders could do naught but stare.

A crocodile made up his mind
That he’d be clean and neat;
On land he walked upon his toes,
So’s not to soil his feet;
But, when he came to brush his teeth,
He found to his dismay,
They were so numerous that he
Was busy all the day.

Jane Jenkens liked to look her best
Though not too proud a girl
She “did” her hair with strips of tin
To make it kink and curl.
She twisted it too tight by far
And found, to her surprise,
That, though she tried her very best,
She couldn’t close her eyes.

miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2021



„Lumea magică a lui Harry Potter”,  este un muzeu de lângă Londra, care a fost deschis în 2012 în pavilioanele studioului Warner Brothers, unde au fost filmate toate cele opt filme despre tânărul vrăjitor și unde cineastii ridică perdeaua lumea din lumea basmului băiatului vrăjitor. 

Conform recenziilor fanilor cărților și filmelor despre Harry, intrarea în „Lumea magică a lui Harry Potter”  care au vizitat muzeul, aceștia spun că te simți din nou ca un copil, devenind, fie și pentru câteva momente, un însoțitor în aventurile sale ...









marți, 26 ianuarie 2021



Galina  Kirlasheva este o artistă din Rusia - ea confecționează manual splendide jucării -  personaje cu caracter uman -  aducând multă bucurie celor mici dar și celor mari. 

Priviți câteva din păpușile ei și veți înțelege de ce copiii îndrăgesc atât de mult jucăriile produse de ea.